Online College Recruiting and Marketing – Web Promotion,
Strategy, and Ethics
Effective Internet Marketing and Search Engine Placement
for College Admissions
Dr. Richard Whiteside - Vice President of Enrollment and
Dean of Admissions, Tulane University
George S. Mentz, Esq.- CEO of Mentz Consulting Worldwide
After several years of using online recruiting techniques,
researching the area of Internet marketing, and consulting
with companies regarding search engine ranking, we have
made many observations about the evolution of the Internet
as a tool for marketing to students and targeting enrollment
for new admissions.
Search Engines - Your College site should be easily found
by the potential candidates and alumni on targeted search
engines or directories while considering these factors:
• The Top Engines: If you go to
you will find the Net Ratings which will explain the market
share of the following search engines and directories along
with exposure and overlap of surfers. See Jupiter Media
Metrix Ratings . Yahoo, MSN, AOL, Google, InfoSpace, WiseNut,
Overture, and a few others have the widest appeal to the
potential recruiting market. If you have followed the search
engine industry, the growth or decline of search engine
and directory market share has been very dynamic.
• Variables: such as domain name , keyword rich text, and
meta code in the html source code affect your college exposure
dramatically : Search engines use different methods (Algorithms
) of listing your web sites and ranking them when a term
or word search is done for “colleges, ranking, admissions”.
Positive variables include: the name of your domain and
if it is germane to the search terms, the title of the page,
the meta tags which include you site description and keywords,
the text and content of the page, image file names, alt
tag text, and link popularity. As a note, the search engines
and directories change the algorithms and ranking criteria
from time to time. Some major engines use a partner to provide
their search results, and the partner can change from time
to time. Thus, the variables and algorithms are not static
and IT, webmasters, and college departments need to actively
watch and innovate search engine ranking strategy.
• Pay for Inclusion or Pay Per Performance Engines and Programs:
Yahoo and Overture have become increasingly important to
website performance and targeted visitors. Many search engines
such as Looksmart (which provides results for MSN) and Overture
which sponsors results for AOL and Yahoo have suddenly become
a strategy to outrank the webmasters because you have paid
per click for your visitor and sponsored a listing on the
first page of results.
• Your College Domain Name and Web Address: A fair percentage
of your web visitors will locate your home page by simply
typing the name of the college into the browser coupled
with dot edu. The domain name and marketing of your home
page is addressed in later in this article.
Exposure to the High School Students and Potential Applicant
The youth of today is much more inclined to use the Internet
to research colleges. It is the nature of the Internet Culture
for the new generations. Children are trained to use the
Internet in grade school and high school. They will research
and visit colleges from the comforts of their home or the
library. In light of this, you may have a more informed
candidate for admission.
Using resent focus groups in my courses online and onsite,
recent high school students enjoy the degree of privacy
in searching online and using online forms. There is less
interaction with people using this method. They simply need
to fill out the information online.
Marketing The University Online, Benefits, Search Keywords
It is the job of the institution to integrate the information
below with all web pages related to the university website
or admissions. However, there is a potential linguistics
issue because students may be searching for football or
free tuition when the university site uses traditional terms
in their text and web code such as Athletics and Financial
Aid. In sum, the universities must target the search engine
search “terms of art” that youth may use in seeking out
a college to attend.
• Accreditation
• IT Computers and Wireless Capability
• Disability Services
• International Appeal or Accreditation
• Cultural Aspects of Your Locale and University
• Programs of Interest to Students
• Athletics and Sports
• Degree Programs and Degrees Offered along with Majors
of Interest
• Financial Aid/Scholarships
• Requirements for Applications, Acceptance, and Curriculum
• Abroad Programs
• Grade Curves or Average GPA
• SAT or ACT scores
• Affirmative Action and Diversity
• Terms most frequently searched on your university website:
• Dormitories/Dorms/Housing
• Admission standards/admission criteria/standards
• Admission deadlines/application deadlines/deadlines
• Average or acceptable SAT or ACT score ranges
• Advising, Mentoring and Tutoring
• Safety and security of Campus, Dorms, City etc.
• Total Cost Forecasts and Price along with Tuition &
• Junior Year Abroad “JYA”
• AP Exams or Advanced Placement Examinations
• IB - International Baccalaureate
• Transfer Credit and Transfer Courses
• Admission Application/Application
• High School Courses/Course Requirements
• Essay Issues
• Student Recommendations
• Location, Region, City and Amenities
• Campus Tours and Campus Visits
• Directions and Maps (to campus)
• Mailing address/address along with Telephone numbers
• Athletics (then sport name)
• US News Ranking/Ranking/Rank
• Number of Students/Enrollment
• Registration Information
Hard Copy that Promotes Recruiting and Branding to the
Online Prospects.
Most universities have facilitated a campaign to include
the website or web address with contact information on every
piece of hard copy or email that is sent from the University.
The issue overlooked is “what is the ease of recall” of
the web name. In essence, the producers of marketing copy
may want to include a mirror domain that uses a supplemental
name or a dot com extension. Overall put your web address
or URL on everything from brochures to trucks.
Links and Link Popularity
Many search engines rank sites according to factors that
include the amount of links that other sites have back to
you. Some sites pick up all links; however, many search
engines only observe hyperlinks to your college that are
attached to text.
Ranking and Recruitment
This is an interesting subset of admissions. Students are
inclined to observe ranking in their decision to attend
a college or university. US News, Business Week, Kiplinger,
Petersons, and The Financial Times seem to have a temporary
monopoly on this.
It is important for colleges and universities to seek out
all college ranking opportunities. There are more unofficial
rankings out there than you can imagine. Further, some obscure
college ranking information sites may out rank the US News
and Business Week sites on several engines. Ranking is said
to be unfair in many cases, but it is a great way to market
your university. Additionally, if you are ranked, you usually
have your link listed.
High school students tend to use ranking systems to locate
a particular institution within a broad category of similar
institutions with regard to quality or value for the cost.
Many fewer students report using ranking systems in a true
rank order sense, that is, concluding that institution number
1 on the list is really better than is institution five
on the list. Rather, students make a determination of an
institution’s quality by examining the group of institutions
above and below the particular institution looking for the
names of institutions whose reputation they understand.
In the student’s mind, an institution’s relative position
on the continuum is determined by the company it keeps!
Ease of Use
Admissions sites have always had challenges in incorporating
the necessary information to promote themselves and the
university. On the main page of the admission and recruiting
site, you will want to illuminate benefits, accreditation,
ranking or accolades, facilities, housing, tuition pricing,
location, phone numbers, and contact names. You will certainly
want to implement the use of online forms that your IT department
can handle. However, the admissions website will want to
limit clutter also. Keep in mind, you want to sell your
university, but enrollment websites will also want to allow
for the application to be harvested with ease and without
too much distraction.
Most university websites are organized in “egocentric”
fashion, that is, the organization of materials mirrors
the institution’s formal organization chart. Thus, a student
may have to follow several different pathways from the main
portal to find the information they want. For example, the
admission function may be in one vice president’s portfolio,
housing another’s and financial aid in a third portfolio.
The “egocentric” nature of institutional websites assumes
that the prospective student understands the institution’s
organizational structure – a shaky assumption at best. While
arranging information and information layers may make perfectly
good sense to those already affiliated with the institution
(e.g. current students, faculty, staff and administrators)
and those who have already graduated, such an arrangement
makes little sense to a prospective student who may be examining
a large number of institutions in a short period of time.
Arraying the information from the perspective of where
the student is in the admission process makes a good deal
more sense. For example, the following array of institutional
information is “intuitive” to most high school students
in the admission process:
General Information for Prospective Students
Applicant for Admission Information
Accepted Student Information
Enrolling Student Information
Enrolled Student Information
While each of these major divisions may include certain
redundancies, the added value of presenting the information
in “process sequence” more than outweighs the overhead necessitated
by the inclusion of certain redundancies.
Before and After, Testimonials, and Success of Alumni –
Focusing On Benefits, Value and Success
Most college marketing focuses on the product – the programs,
majors and services provided by the college. This approach
often leads to a “so what” reaction on the part of the student.
A more effective approach is to focus on the “benefits”
and “value” of the experience. Understanding the connection
between the educational process and services provided by
the institution and the outcomes for individuals involved
in those activities refocuses thinking in the desired direction.
One of the most important features of recruiting is to
show how your past students and alumni have succeeded. This
is done several ways.
• Secure testimonials from powerful and successful alumni
• Show their pictures or put a statement by the alumni on
the site.
• On the site, show statistics of how alumni have faired
in the salary and employment areas.
• Tie in your academics, graduate programs, and other supplemental
profit centers to the site.
• Show the enthusiasm for the university and show the success
of the endowment.
Similarly, care needs to be given when presenting vital
institutional characteristics. For example, college websites
will often address the issue of average class sizes with
language like, “the average class size for lower division
courses is 25.” Presenting the data this way leaves to the
reader the job of determining what the benefits of an average
class size of 25 are. Left to their own devices, some prospective
students will make the correct connection. Unfortunately,
others will not. However, if this important fact is presented
with an explanation of its associated benefit, many more
students will understand why the fact is of some significance.
For example if the college says, “our average class size
of 25 makes it possible for faculty to work closely with
individual students, conduct substantive in-class discussions
and coach students in their area of interest” the average
class size data point takes on a much greater significance.
In constructing a website, it is critical for those responsible
for design and content to assume the mindset of the student
– benefits need to be articulated and the connections that
are intuitive to those inside the academy must be clearly
linked for those unfamiliar with the academy.
Search Engine Friendly College Web Sites
• Title – The title of each web page should target specific
web surfers.
• Meta Tags – These individualized tags should be in place
on all university recruiting and other web pages. It doesn’t
matter how inconsequential the information on the page is.
In essence, a student could discover you via any major department
of the university while surfing.
• Content – The text of each page should be keyword rich
with a target audience in mind.
• Headings – The headings and keyword rich text should be
closest to the top left of the page and be carefully used
throughout the rest of the page.
• URL Names and Extensions – The URL name is very important
but the rest of the URL can have significance too. For example, Thus, this URL
may be more likely to be picked up by a student searching
for Tulane’s Rank or College Ranking in general.
• However, colleges need to maintain legal ethics in marketing
while aggressively extolling the virtues of their campuses.
For instance, your Webmaster could easily target a competitor’s
candidates by targeting code, keywords, and meta tags that
would allow your site to rank when a student is searching
for another college.
Ease of Contact, Contact Us Pages, Response Times, and
800 numbers
We cannot stress the importance of a student coming to
a site looking for an application to fill out or looking
for an 800 number because they do not have the money to
call admissions and ask for a packet. The ability to find
the application form, fill it out, send it online, and receive
a response, confirmation, or feedback is fundamental to
improving upon your success.
While a well designed website can group information by
logical phases (e.g. applicant phase) the typical student,
no website can accurately sequence information for the demands
of an individual student. That said, it is possible to predict
a number of the most important items that any student might
want at any stage of the process. Access to things like
the application for admission, the list of majors, financial
aid programs and the institutional catalog are high demand
requests. These items should be included on the top layer
of the admission website as “process stage independent”
selections. For example, while the top layer of the admission
website may serve as a portal to those in the applicant
or accepted student phase, both of which might provide entry
to the university catalog, the direct access to the catalog
could also appear as a separate selection on the top page
unconnected to any individual process.
As for responses, many colleges and universities have compliance
approved (by your legal department) standard responses developed
and ready to be emailed or mailed to candidates. Some universities
may use auto responders that send specific information to
students who submit an email that has certain questions
checked (in check boxes or radio buttons) in the submission.
Load Time, Documents, Forms and Other Files
We love beautiful graphics, pictures, fancy design and
Flash . However, many students who live in rural areas or
who use an inexpensive computer system will use traditional
dial up Internet services. The candidate’s dial up, ISP
Internet Service Provider, may take 30-45 seconds to download
your entire admissions website or home page. Due to time
constraints, their patience may run out. Further, if the
home page takes 30 seconds to load, and the next click for
an application is in a format that cant be translated by
the candidate’s computer because they do not have the necessary
installed applications, then you have definitely lost a
prospect. For example, if the high school surfer has IE5
but all of your forms or other information are in Adobe,
a higher version of Word or other, then the student may
not have an hour to download the software to read your files.
By in large, admissions should offer forms in several formats.
Universities and Search Engine Listings
Because you are a non-profit or education and research
institution, search directories like Google may list all
of your web pages in the Google search engine out of respect.
Thus, you may as well have all of your forms in html versions
online. This may increase your visibility and link popularity.
However, I am sure that Universities and Colleges can be
banned for spam (over-submitting web sites to search engines).
As a note, you may want your site to have links, forms,
and other documents in text format because your links on
your home page may be cataloged (spidered) by search engines
that you submit to. Thus, you have all of your documents
on various search engines. This is the sheer importance
of proper title, text, content, and meta tag information
for each link and page that is listed on your home page.
Link to Your Home Page
You should consult with your IT department and Administration
about all other college departmental websites linking back
to admissions. This will increase your exposure and search
engines will believe that your university is very popular
because so many sites have a link reference to your admissions
This is critical element in getting the prospective student
to a web location that presents information in a logical
flow with regard to the admission and financial aid processes.
Many prospective students will arrive at a departmental
website by having executed a search by discipline field.
The search engine they use may return web addresses for
particular departments within the institution – useful for
providing program specific information but useless for linking
the student to the admission process.
Integration of Price, Scholarship, Grant, and Financial
Aid Information
Each admissions site should contain clear information on
how to apply, the process and turn around time on applications,
and acceptance or rejection notices. Moreover, to appeal
to all socio-economic classes, each admissions site must
clearly explain the possibility of assistance in the area
of paying for tuition or finding a job on campus.
Since many students may self select out of further consideration
solely on the basis of “published price”, websites should
present information on typical financial aid and “net cost”
(price less average financial aid) scenarios on the same
data displays as published price. This approach may encourage
some students to initiate a dialogue that would have otherwise
never taken place
Having access to an online password protected statistical
information for your websites will help you track your progress
from season to season. This information will explain what
part of the world your visitors are coming from, what sites
are sending you traffic, what they download, the average
amount of time they spend on your site, and other information
such as in errors or outages on your site.
Closing the Sale to your best Prospects online and in person:
Use of Superlatives
Only two things should be said about internet recruiting
and the close of the sale. The use of superlatives in internet
marketing is frowned upon by search engines. Thus, we should
be careful using statements like, “The top school in the
Region…” However, aggressive marketing copy on websites
that utilizes credentials, benefits, accolades, testimonials,
and all other positive bullet points about your university
should be used with skill and care. In summary, University
websites are doing their job if they are producing leads
and applications. In the end, it is the enrolment department’s
job to “close the sale” and enroll all extraordinary students
who are undecided, looking for financial aid, seeking out
competition, and looking for a personal touch. Many students
simply want to be convinced of the opportunity and prestige
that comes from attending your university.
E-Commerce Payments for Applications and Other College Payments:
Last year (2001), only 1/10 of colleges accept payments
online. Many colleges will probably begin accepting major
credit cards However, there are issues in ecommerce that
affect international payments as compared to domestic payments.
For example, many countries do not have states or zip codes.
Further, when a student pays online from overseas, some
credit card companies or merchants will flag the payment
or identify it as a security risk. In conclusion, because
there is a need and demand, most colleges will research
and engage this practice over the next year.
Integration of online applications, online forms, and other
submissions - Email and Other Customer Service: The use
of email and the savings involved.
Having your student applications online is a way to reduce
hard copy expenses and use of paper. Similarly, these forms
can be a way for IT to harvest email addresses of other
data for sending future mailings and updates. Email for
colleges has increased savings in the area of postage, labor,
paper, printing expenses, and administrative time. Some
colleges rejoice in the savings of some of their seasonal
mass mailings. The question to be asked is how far the paperless
office strategy can go, and will it become successful in
all areas of enrollment management.
Just a few years ago, institutions did not consider email
a viable option for communicating with the student. Email
addresses were difficult to harvest, volatile and only a
small fraction of the prospective students had such addresses.
Today, email addresses are routinely collected by mailing
list providers, the addresses themselves are more stable
and a much higher percentage of the college bound population
has such an address than just a few years ago. Email provides
a low cost, high speed, communication mechanism for colleges
and universities.
Several of the more popular applications of email in college
recruitment are listed following
1) Distribution of text documents such as PDF files for
information pertaining to majors, financial aid etc. 2)
Notification of incomplete applications identifying the
documents needed to complete the packet 3) Invitations for
college-sponsored events with built in RSVP mechanisms 4)
Market research surveys 5) Newsletters containing information
related to campus events 6) Rich Text Format Email
The extent to which email is used is limited only by the
creativity of the admission department. Since the cost is
extremely low, it is possible for the admission office to
be in constant, interactive contact with members of the
target population.
Trademarks, Copyright Notices and Disclaimers:
For the purposes of marketing and ethics online, the university
IT department needs to protect themselves in the area of
intellectual property, trade names and trademarks, along
with copyrights. It is always advisable to have your legal
department to provide the proper text, disclaimers, and
marks to notify all visitors of potential violations and
As for disclaimers, all admissions and enrollment departments
should clarify the use of email, address, name, and other
information submitted along with general warranty clarification
in using the university website. Admissions may want to
illuminate the contractual nature of any agreement with
the admissions department of the particular university or
college. Moreover, the disclaimers should protect the university
in all financial dealings with students.
Search Engine Submission Prices: Generally speaking, these
are the major search engines and prices to obtain listing:
Yahoo: $300; MSN 15 cents for sponsored result from Looksmart
or $30 dollars for basic listing in Inktomi; Google: free
possible listings or use Google AddWords to sponsor a result;
Overture: Bid for sponsored result which may appear on results
of Yahoo and AOL; DMOZ Open Directory is a free listing
but must be carefully listed. These are just general examples.
For dynamic pricing information see:,,,,,,
About Richard Whiteside
Richard Whiteside is the Vice President for Enrollment
Management & Institutional Research at Tulane University.
He has been at Tulane since July of 1993. Before joining
Tulane, Mr. Whiteside was on the staff of the University
of Hartford in West Hartford Connecticut for 14 years (Associate
VP for Academic Administration), The Johns Hopkins University
in Baltimore, Maryland (6 years), the City University of
New York in New York City, and Pace College (University)
in New York City.
Mr. Whiteside is a graduate of Manhattan College in New
York City and holds two graduate degrees from the Johns
Hopkins University. He has done additional graduate work
in counseling at the City University of New York and completed
his doctoral level course work in educational leadership
at the University of Connecticut.
Mr. Whiteside is active in a number of professional associations
including the College Board, the American Association of
Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers, and the National
Association of College Admission Counselors. He speaks frequently
on issues related to Financial Aid, Enrollment Management,
Tuition Discounting, the educational environment, and the
dynamics of change. He has served as a consultant on a variety
of topics ranging from enrollment management to administrative
information systems. His work in various enrollment management
areas has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, the
New York Times, Kiplinger’s Personal Finance and on the
Today Show.
About George Mentz, JD, MBA, CEC:
Mr. Mentz is a licensed attorney, holds an earned doctorate
in international law, and an MBA in International Business.
Mr. Mentz is presently a Full Time Visiting Assistant Professor
of Legal Studies and Loyola University College of Business
Administration in New Orleans. Mr. Mentz is acting president
of the Institute of Certified E-Commerce Consultants
and is also on adjunct faculty for 4 other colleges and
universities teaching online and distance learning courses.
Mr. Mentz has taught college level Computer Information
Systems Courses in the areas of e-commerce marketing and
Internet technologies. Further, Mr. Mentz owns a search
engine placement consulting company with clients nationwide.
Mr. Mentz has published and presented in several venues
including journals, television, brochures, magazines, national
conventions, and on the Internet.
Glossary and Supplement:
Keyword and Content Rich Text: This means that you should
have your website text or copy include targeted words or
terms of art that people are searching for. We encourage
you to include at least four to six paragraphs of informative
text on every page (we should use no more than 250 words,
absolute minimum: 100). Include the selected keyword phrase
multiple times throughout the text because some repetition
is of benefit. Again, do not be too aggressive with this.
The content must seem natural and search engines will punish
an obvious blanket of keywords. Also remember that students
and parents are going to read this, and excellent marketing
copy sells.
Meta Code or Meta Tags Despite less focus on meta tags
by search engines, it takes quality research and effort
to provide a strategic title, description, keywords, heading,
and alternate tags in the head section (of your web code)
of all your pages that may be indexed. All of your university
meta tags should be unique and apply to a specific page
while targeting specific traffic..
• Title Tag: Use 5-12 words to insert a keyword rich title
that's relevant to the web page. Begin with keywords, using
sentence format. It is important because many search engines
utilize the content and copy as the link to your page in
search results.
• Description Tag: This is important because your descriptive
code is often used by search engines as your site description
in the search results. Use 14-22 words, starting with several
strategic keywords (about 175 characters). Make it compelling
and relevant to receive qualified traffic.
• Meta Keywords Tag: List your strategic keyword phrases
up to a maximum of 740 characters. Use keywords that are
germane to the page usually separated by commas.
• Heading Tags: Insert these tags at the top of your pages,
using strategic keywords relevant to the page. Check the
font and size of your text after applying headers.
Alt Tags: Also called image tags because alt tags contain
the text that appears when you mouse over an image with
your arrow or pointer. Use keywords to describe the image
appropriately. Use strategic keywords in the alt tags if
Algorithms: A set of criteria or methodology used by a
search engine or directory to rank pages according to what
they perceive as the most relevant to a given query. There
may be as many as 120 different criteria used including
content, sheer placement within the title i.e the third
word in the title, keyword density, text placement, use
of Meta tags, image file names, use of themes, etc. Each
search engine or directory uses their own ranking standards
or algorithm, which they change often in an effort to improve
how pages are ranked.
URL or Domain Name A domain is another name for an internet
address. Domains follow a hierarchy where higher or top-level
domains (which usually end with .com, .edu, .gov, .org,
.ca, etc.) have web sites or lower-level domains below them
that are sub-divided into different usable areas. In general,
websites which have their own domain name like,
will often achieve better ranking position than a sub-directory
website such as http:/
Image File Names: All images on a website will have a name.
Some search engines observe the names of images as a variable
in search results.
Alt Tag Text: A picture or graphics on your web site will
allow text to be inserted into it which allows viewers to
see the text description as the viewer moves their mouse
across the picture in question.
Link Popularity Most search engine algorithms now include
link popularity, which started with Google's PageRank. This
technology works by first identifying the link structure
of the entire Web, then ranking individual pages based on
the number and importance of pages linked to them. Identifying
your inbound links and increasing the number of important,
relevant inbound links is an essential part of your SEO
Search Engine Partner: A search engine such as MSN may
use a partner to deliver results for a search. For example,
MSN uses Looksmart and Inktomi as a search engine partner.
Further, AOL and Yahoo use Google as a search engine partner.
Dot edu. The dot-edu domain category has been restricted
to four-year colleges and universities almost since its
inception. But about a quarter of community colleges got
dot-edu addresses before the restriction took effect. Educause
plans to allow the rest of the community colleges to obtain
dot-edu addresses.
Mirror Domain: is a domain that will point to an already
existing website. The website seen by the visitor is exactly
the same no matter which domain name they type into their
Keyword Rich Dot Com extension: This simply means that
you should have a keyword rich domain name along with keyword
rich sub file names
Hyperlinks or link: hy•per•link (hi-per-link)ˆn. v.1. Underlined
text within an electronic document. When clicked with the
mouse, the viewer will be taken to another place. 2. A graphic
or part of a graphic that contains a link to another location.
3. The process of creating a link that will take the viewer
to another location.
Main Portal or Portal Site
Search engines, directories and service provider homepages
are examples of this generic term. Basically, any site which
provides an entry point to the internet for a significant
number of users can be called a portal site.
Check Boxes or Radio Buttons: Specifically used on forms
within websites so users can check a box or click the round
circle “radio button” to make selections or indicate a choice.
IE5 Any Version of Internet Explorer’s Browser that is
used to surf the Internet.
Adobe and PDF Adobe, Inc.’s Software that is used as a
format to save, distribute and create files or brochures.
Word: Microsoft’s Word Processing Program
Load Time: The approximate time it takes to fully view
your website after requesting that address.
Statistics: A system whereas a user can view the amount
of visitors, hits, and other demographic information about
their website including keywords and departments visited.
IT: Your university Information Technology Department
Rich Text Format Email: Basically, this is when you send
email as a web page.
Harvest: Slang for obtaining information, email addresses,
mailing addresses, or other vital information needed to
innovate and improve your efficiencies and success.
Search Engine
A search engine is a searchable index that houses millions
of URLs. The term Search Engine is commonly used to describe
both directories and search engines. As a server or a collection
of servers, search engines are dedicated to indexing and
storing internet web pages and providing internet searchers
with an ordered list of pages that match a particular query.
These indexes are normally generated using indexing spiders.
Yahoo is commonly mistaken as a search engine but is actually
a directory.
Search Engine Optimization
See Optimization more info on search engine optimization.
Search Engine Promotion
Search Engine Promotion consists of optimizing website pages
and creating content rich pages to target specific keyword
phrases. It also includes consistent appropriate submitting
of pages to the search engines and directories. See also
internet advertising.
Spider, Spyder
A spider is a robot program that surfs the web to index
keywords and page text and then rank and order web pages
according to what it deems most relevant. Web pages are
then stored for access by internet queries. See also Robot.
Google: This directory and search engine is become ever
more powerful and expanding its market share. Google is
unique in that it gives preference to text and content deep
into the web page while also recognizing your title and
link popularity. Now that Google is the backup search engine
for Yahoo and a search engine partner with AOL, Google’s
market share is very broad. As a note, Google is probably
the fastest loading search engine to use.