Marketing Services - Prof. George
Mentz, JD, MBA, CWM, CFC - Attorney at Law * LA EDLA
Here are 12 new books that are edited
or written by Prof. Mentz. These books focus on the area
of the psychology of success, self improvement, metaphysics,
and human potential.
and Prosperity - The Spiritual Science of Metaphysics
Abundance & Prosperity
Secrets based on the writings of the Famous Charles
F. Haanel who has the best seller - The Master Key System.
It has been said that Bill Gates of Microsoft read the
writings of Haanel at Harvard before dropping out to
start The Microsoft Corporation. This executive analysis
contains the critique of all 24 parts of the book plus
a summary of the lost and banned 4 chapter sections
that are not readily available. Prof. Mentz does an
outstanding job of extracting and codifying the teachings
of Haanel and Wattles in the Executive Guide. This book
also has a bonus summary and analysis of the famous
book "The Science of Getting Rich" By Wallace Wattles.
How to
Attain Wealth - The Millionaire Secrets of Growing Rich
& Steps to Getting Power & Success Now
Laws of Financial Success
- Compilation of the greatest writings ever the psychology
of success and obtaining the riches of life. This book
has concepts of the Self Help greats throughout recent
history such as Napoleon Hill, Wallace Wattles, Charles
Haanel, Robert Collier, Emmet Foxx, James Allen, Ralph
Waldo Emerson, Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, Emanual Swendenborg,
Christian Larson, Joel Goldsmith, Ralph Waldo Trine,
Judge Thomas Troward, William James, and more.
The Science
of Growing Rich - The Secrets of the Masters
A critical review of
self help, success, and human potential strategies for
personal growth. This short book can transform your
life from a scarcity view to a perception of abundance
and wealth conciousness. Contains some of the bullet
proof methods of taking your life, career, and relationships
to the next level.
Law of
Financial Success (1907) - Revised Summary of Teachings
This book was written
in 1907 by an anonymous author, and has been analyzed
and revised. It seems that it was crafted by Atkinson,
Beals and maybe Wattles. These teachings probably contributed
to Mega Hit Books such as: The Science of Getting Rich
by Wallace Wattles, The Master Key System by Charles
Haanel and maybe Napoleon Hill i.e. Think and Grow Rich.
The original work has been revised herein. In sum, this
short book is a treatise on the fundamentals of Mind
Science and New Thought focuses on supply, abundance,
and character develoment. This philosophy been produced
in a pocket size version for use in travel, autos, computer
bags etc. Thus, this is an executive summary of the
teachings of the original book. Moreover, this books
contains a nice size metaphysical glossary in the back
of the manuscript. We have screened thousands of self
help books and this one is truly an inspirational treasure
with everything you need to transend to the next level
prosperity. Kindest Regards, The Author
on Success - The Philosophy of the Greatest Self Help
Thoughts and Essays about
the teachings of Napoleon Hill, Thomas Troward, Christian
Larson, Wallace Wattles, Christ, Buddha, Islam, Visualization,
Affirmations and more. Commentary on Covey, Chopra,
Dyer, Jabez and other great conceptual analysis. Contents
include laws of financial success, laws of effective
leadership, laws of business success. This manuscript
contains advanced commentary and philosophy that is
not for the beginner. A great executive refresher for
the well read and successful.
The Secrets
of Judge Thomas Troward - Mental Science
Includes the Secret Science
of Troward, Commentary and Executive Summaries from
Prof. Mentz with selected writings from Trowards Edinburgh
Lectures, The Law and The Word, Bible Mystery and Meaning,
Creative Process in the Individual, and Dore Lectures
along with Behrend’s analysis on the teachings of Troward.
The resulting book is a Thomas Troward Reader and manual
to learn the essence of Mental Science which was a huge
movement in the early 1900's which resulted in the New
Thought momentum as well as many religious groups foundings
and the Human Potential Movement.
Von Buddhism
- East Meets West - The Mystic Science of Spirituality
and Success
Contemporary Western
Views of Eastern Mysticism and Buddhism. English and
Western Buddhism with a Human Potential perspective
on self improvement. Inspiration Self Help Mystic Metaphysical
Human Potential Success
Metaphysics and The Ideal Made Real
New Thought Metaphysics
and mind sciences. Much like philosphy of James Allen,
Emmet Fox, Thomas Troward and Wallace Wattles. Focuses
on the original teachings of Christian Larson and other
pioneers of self help and new thought metaphysical writings.
These concepts in this book herein have led to the founding
of major schools of thought, human potential movements
and new religions.
MPM ™ Master
Project Manager ™ - Executive Project Management Guide
Project Management Executives
Guide - This is the premier certification manual for
Certified International Project Managers and Master
Project Managers. This guide has the executive protocol
and the Project Management Treatise of Protocol Included
which represents the International Project Management
Commissions goals to follow government project management
The Genius
of James Allen - Executive Collection
This book is a treatise
of James Allen's strongest work and philosophy. With
the works of As a Man Thinketh, The Path to Prosperity,
and executive summary of the concepts of his Eight Pillars
of Prosperity. James Allen authored many books such
as: The Path to Prosperity, The Mastery of Destiny,
The Way of Peace, Out from the Heart, The Heavenly Life,
Entering the Kingdom, From Passion to Peace, Light on
Life's Difficulties, The Life Triumphant, Through the
Gate of Good
The Science
of Getting Rich - Harness Financial Success with Creative
Executive Version and
Wattles Reader. Contains the original book chapters,
summary, and bonus sections of an executive summary
The Science of Getting Rich, Wattles secret meditations
to health, and a 25 part chapter on the Science of Gratitude
- Harness Financial Success with Creative Thought. Written
in 1912, The Science of Getting Rich
Think and
Grow Rich – 7 Page Pocket Summary of The Concepts and
Philosophy of Dr. Napoleon Hill
Think and Grow Rich –
7 Page Pocket Summary of The Concepts and Philosophy
of Dr. Napoleon Hill This is a summary based on the
complete and original 1937 version of Think and Grow
Rich by Napoleon Hill, originally published by The Ralston
Society which is now in the public domain. This summary,
contents, design, principles and philosophy are not
sponsored or endorsed by or otherwise affiliated with,
Napoleon Hill or his family and heirs, the Napoleon
Hill Foundation, The Ralston Society, or any other person,
author, or entity. It is not necessary that you read
the book but it is highly encouraged. This pocket review
is something that you can keep with you at all times
for inspiration and quick review.
