George Mentz is an internationally known author, speaker, and teacher of thought leaders with a focus in areas of business strategy, finance, education, wealth management, human potential, success principles, and metaphysics. Commissioner Mentz has authored over 50 books, training manuals and audio books sold around the world. Many have hit #1 or top 10 in their respective categories on Amazon and Kindle.
Mentz’s wealth management book was ranked in the top 100 wealth books of all time, and Mentz was ranked #2 in the world as a wealth management influencer on social media.
Mentz’s Award Winning book, Quantum Bliss The new book is a synthesis of self-help, personal development, and spiritual-psychology which distills the timeless success secrets short “Executive VIP Guide ” that takes the reader to the next level of productivity, inspiration, consciousness and transformation.
Mentz has written hundreds of published articles, manuals and books over the last 30 years as seen in the Financial Times, ArabNews, China Daily, Hindu Newspaper,, Forbes, Investopedia, WSJ, Body Mind Spirit Magazine, and he has been an active contributor to National Underwriter, ThinkAdvisor Media and more. He has even consulted with the US government for several years helping people find jobs and better careers. As a trend setter, Mentz wrote and published the bestseller “How to Master Abundance and Prosperity” on the teachings of Dr. Haanel and Wallace Wattles before blockbuster “The Secret” became a worldwide success.
Mentz has had bestsellers and top 100 books in the following 7 categories in 2013-16: Education and Training, Money and Monetary Policy, World – Expeditions & Discoveries, Management Science, Mysticism, Project Management, Religion, Cognitive Neuroscience, and in Spirituality.
Here is a Free Book on “How To Get What You Want” by Mentz How To Get What You Want Mentz 2022
The Wealth Management Handbook – This Wealth book coveres topics on Investments Financial Planning, Insurance, Risk, Estate Planning Strategy, Economics Money and Banking Wealth Management Sciences. family wealth planning. The Wealth Management Handbook and manual guild for the wealthy. This manual also contains finanical analysis tools, concepts and ratios for securities analysis along with advanced techniques for the affluent. This book is designed for the financial advisor CPA lawyer or risk professional to better work with the wealthiest customers in the world. This manuscript is also for families and wealthy family members as a quick guide to the craft of wealth strategy.
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This short manuscript contains VIP summaries of the ideas and themes of some of the greatest religions, philosophies and movements in world history. In the last several thousand years, the history of philosophy, ethics and values and had a great evolution affected by many cultures. While some ancient religions predate Buddhism, the philosophical principles have been imported and exchanged with many of the great religions and philosophies from the Americas, to Ireland to the Philippines and everything in between. Since the invasion by the Macedonians of the Punjab in India by Alexander the Great who was tutored by Aristotle, we know that the cross pollination of ideas has had a great affects upon EurAsia. From Alexander, to Hannibal, to the Silk Road and Genghis Khan, to Marco Polo, up to Attila the Hun, this great exchange of philosophies had continued for thousands of years. With Norse princes invading mother Russia over 1000 years ago to the spread of the USSR to Vladivostok, the expansion and spread of ideas has been tremendous in just the last few centuries. Even the Syrians spread Christianity to the Goa in India while many Eastern Bishops actually were installed in England over a 1000 years ago. Thus, the vast expansive influences in EurAsia are self-evident.
Regardless of religion or philosophy, the seeker or student usually is desirous of the union of the individual mind with the cosmic intelligence to create fusion of the human with the divine and achieve some type of unity or one-ness. The gold standard of most philosophies is to comprehend that our life is the creation of our mind. Our spiritual condition totally affects our attitude and results in this world in health, wealth, relationships and happiness.
Thus, the principles herein are about bringing great summaries of the great philosophies and religions of the world while cultivating a transcendental level of discernment to better understand ourselves and the aspects of our mind and spirit. From Christianity to Krishna, from the 12 Steps to the Course in Miracles, from the secrets of masonry to Rosicrucianism, this book is jam packed with summarizations and insights as to the beliefs, techniques and strategies of ancient and new philosophies to acquire and obtain peace of mind, health and prosperity.
George Mentz JD MBA CILS
Economics of the Presidential Election — Trump 2020 and the Electoral College Prediction In 2015, I predicted Donald Trump would win the election by sweeping FLOHCOPAIA, which is Florida, Ohio, Colorado, Pennsylvania, and Iowa. I was only wrong about one thing, my home state of Colorado. However, Trump may be poised to even win Colorado and Minnesota because people are happy with the present trajectory of the economy and progress of the U.S. for working families.
An Economic Cost Analysis of Public Education, Federal Jobs — Diversify and Save Billions It costs $15,000 dollars per year for public education for children in Baltimore for one child. If you go to, you will see a multitude of jobs advertised in cities which are historically expensive places to live. Do you ever wonder how that money would stretch at a beach resort or in a smaller city outside of the overpriced areas?
Economics of Trump Polling: Are You Better Off Today? — I wanted to spend a few minutes uncovering the public happiness factors in the U.S. If you and several others are confronted by a wild bear, how fast do you need to be able to run? The answer is you need only be able to run faster than the others you are with. The same holds true about the U.S. economy. We need only to have a government better than before President Donald Trump. Consumer confidence is at 15-year highs this year, according to CNBC.
How Trump Can Win 6 Million New Voters in 1 Day: In-State Tuition for All in US — Over the last 50 years, one of the most aggravating education policies in the U.S. is the “Increased Tuition Costs” for out-of-state students at federally subsidized universities. I distinctly remember when Harry Reid was running for Senate that he boldly announced that immigrants or fugitives in the United States should receive in-state tuition breaks. Citizens of other nations may also be eligible for loans and other benefits that local citizens can’t obtain.
Trump’s 10 Million New Jobs and New Tax Code Will Save Economy — The Federal Reserve raised rates nine times since Donald Trump announced his presidential election bid. Therefore, the deficit on President Barack Obama’s debt is now up 25%. The fault lies with Obama and Congress for overspending $10 trillion during the Obama presidency. Now, our children and grandchildren are paying interest on Obama’s debt and spending problem.
TUV Accreditation 2019-2020 – GAFM ReAccredited Again for ISO 9001 and ISO 29990 — The GAFM IBS International Board of Standards remains the first USA Certifying Body to achieve the ISO 9001 and ISO 29990 Training Accreditation. The TUV reaccredited the GAFM IBS Board of Standards through 2020. CEO George Mentz said, “The GAFM and IBS International Board of Standards has accomplished the biggest international accreditation recognition of any USA company operating worldwide. The TUV is a EU recognized Accreditation Agency.
To Forgive Student Debt, Is It Fair to Tax the Wealthy’s Assets Off? — If any economist were to analyze President Donald Trump’s success, they would wonder how he remained wealthy with all of the fees and taxes that real-estate entrepreneurs must pay. During his 50-year working career, Trump had to deal with city taxes, real-estate taxes, state taxes, insurance, estate taxes, employee taxes, water tax, electricity tax, sewage taxes, gambling taxes and so forth.
10 Reasons Trump Economy Is Best in 50 Years — After many years of unemployment and war, the U.S. economy has made a dramatic comeback. The credit can only be given to President Donald Trump’s promised rollback of the tax and regulatory schemes implemented from 1993 until he was elected. Here are 10 facts since Trump was elected that prove this is the best overall economy in more than 50 years: Employment: PBS News Hour confirmed that this is the best labor market since 1969 with low unemployment, more jobs and rising wages.
College Education for Free ? – 2020 Campaign and Online Education Facts and Economics | — As a pioneer in e-learning education who has taught over 250 courses online in the last 20 years, I realize the actual costs of education have come down dramatically in the last 30 years. However, that has not prevented the expansion of student debt to about $1.5 to $2 trillion. Most politicians these days are saying that free online college education should be available to everyone.
ACBSP Features GAFM Certifications — Posted By George Mentz, 6 minutes ago In an unprecedented relationship and legal agreement since 2004, the ACBSP and the GAFM have a mutual recognition agreement. Our ACBSP/GAFM Alliance: Leverage Your ACBSP Membership into Something More In 1996, CEOs, executives, professors, and industry experts from around the world formed the Global Academy of Finance and Management (GAFM).
GAFM and SIET Singapore form Alliance – Singapore Institute of Engineering Technologist — GAFM and SIET Singapore form Alliance – Singapore Institute of Engineering Technologist Posted By George Mentz, 2 minutes ago The Singapore Institute of Engineering Technologist and the GAFM had entered an articulation alliance for mutual recognition. Tags: AAFM Academy of financial management Certified Project Manager GAFM SEIT Singapore Singapore Institute of Engineering Technologist Permalink | Comments (0) …
How You Can Help Your Kids, Grandkids, Spouse or Yourself Get a Bigger Tax Refund | — In many tax guides, they will illustrate a few ways to reduce your taxes before April 15. Some of the tips revolve around coupling losses and gains to reduce tax, making sure you document all expenses to reduce income for your business, or making sure you put down all of your deductible charitable contributions on your taxes. However, there is one overlooked area that has big consequences. This strategy is called “saving for retirement.”
Dems Made Huge Miscalculation on Judicial Appointments — Coincidentally sitting next to a federal judge on a flight, I discovered an almost incalculable truth during our conversation. This article is about how the Democrats and the retiring federal judiciary unintentionally made the biggest political spoils mistake in American history.
GAFM and Open University of Hong Kong form Alliance — The GAFM and the Open University of Hong Kong have a new Alliance. Graduates of the Wealth Management programs at the esteemed Hong Kong Open University are now eligible for the GAFM globally recognized credential of: CWM Chartered Wealth Manager ® The GAFM is TUV Accredited in Europe and ISO 29990 Certified and ISO 9001 Certified.
The Economics of Celebrating Diversity — In recent years, we have read that America is becoming more diverse with various ethnicities. After engaging my ancestry research over the last 15 years and utilizing the new online genealogy technology, I personally believe that the U.S. and many of the other 55 American countries are becoming more diverse every day because millions of people are getting new DNA reports from big companies such as 23 and Me and Ancestry.
The Trump Jobs Record: 10 Million Jobs Saved or Created in 2 Years | — After 17 years of financial crisis and unemployment, this nation is seeing its first real “peace dividend” since Ronald Reagan was president. A few of the Bill Clinton years were great, but as it was his last 2 years in office, the economy blew up with the biggest market crash since the great depression (The demise of the Dot-com Bubble). The Nasdaq stock market during Clinton’s presidency in 1999 was as high as it was in the last year of the Obama presidency in 2016.
2019 DUBAI – 15 GAFM CERTIFICATION TRAINING PROGRAMS IN THE UAE AND DUBAI. — 1)Certificationin Cost Control & Management 15 – 18 April 2019 Sheraton Hotel, Mall of the Emirates, Dubai, UAE CERTIFICATION EDUCATION PARTNER – GLOBAL ACADEMY OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT®, CPDGlobal Academy of Finance and Management (GAFM),Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Level : Essentials & Certification Program 2)Chartered Financial Manager (ChFM) 28 April – 02 May 2019 Dusit Thani Hotel, Dubai, UAE CERTIFICATION EDUCATION PARTNER -…
What Ivy League Schools Don’t Teach About Capitalism — Over the years, it has become increasingly difficult to discuss the power and challenges of global capitalism and laissez-faire philosophy to the average student. Here is a quick sports analysis of economics. First, every business or worker is similar to an NBA or NFL team. Each team competes against many other teams who have: players, owners, managers, rules along with regulations, taxes, and neigborhoods.
All Billionaires Should Run for President – We Need Tax Revenue | — Here are 10 reasons why Howard Schultz and Michael Bloomberg should run for president: To generate $1 billion in cash, Schultz and Bloomberg may need to sell highly appreciated assets to generate cash and income, but it also creates tax obligations in the form of capital gains taxes and several other forms of tax on Mr. Schultz and Mr. Bloomberg. Federal (LTCG) long term capital gains taxes from President Barack Obama rose from 15% to 20% to be paid to the federal government.
Investor Cheat Sheet: 26 Items to Remember for 2019 | — If you read the commentary and predictions of many of the top financial and economic gurus of our time such as Jeffrey Gundlach and Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell, you can find some familiar themes and ideas. In recent days there have been comments that indicate that 2019 may be an interesting year to sell and buy investments.
Tax Preparation Season: 9 Big Changes and 22 Tips — The 2018 tax reform changes will affect almost everyone. The nine biggest changes for this year’s tax filings include: Larger standard deductions for married couples of $24,000. Personal exemptions are eliminated and there is no need to file for these. A new 37% top tax bracket for high earners. The Obama taxes will remain including the 3.8% Net Investment Income Tax and the 0.9% medical surtax on high earners.
Academy of Finance and Management For 10+ years, ACBSP and GAFM have benefited from a mutual articulation alliance. ACBSP and the GAFM International Board of Standards have an agreement that includes, – Global Academy of Finance & Management — Academy of Finance and Management For 10+ years, ACBSP and GAFM have benefited from a mutual articulation alliance.
A Few Tax Tips for 2018-19 by: George Mentz, JD MBA CWM — Posted By George Mentz, 6 minutes ago 1.Software – Use the most reliable CPA or Tax Software. 2.Records – Consolidate and separate your online or hard copy records. Download year end files while they are available. 3.Income – Strategically defer income. 4.E-File – The USA and some Countries allow for a free e-Filing of your taxes online.
It Works — The wisdom in this document is based on conversations with some of the world’s richest and most influential people. Over a 25 year period, we have met with billionaires, princes, kings, CEOs, sheikhs, potentates, Navy SEALs, ambassadors, rock stars, judges, cabinet members, pro-MVPs, bishops, TV celebrities, Hollywood producers, world famous musicians, luminary professors, artists, presidents, and some of the most successful authors in the world.
Online Free Project Management Courses – For Certification — Posted By George Mentz, 6 minutes ago Take these Free courses, and submit your resume to us for Project Management Certification: Here are the SOME FREE Project Management and Business Management Online Courses. This post has not been tagged. Permalink
9 Ways Bad Leadership, Poor Government Policy Hurt Markets — When President Barack Obama was predicted to defeat John McCain in 2008, the markets were already in distress, but then suddenly began to shudder with a lack of liquidity. It wasn’t until a few years later that the correlation between predicted (policy and leadership) and market prices became obvious. As soon as President Donald Trump became a likely winner in 2016, the markets were boosted. Immediately after he won, there was a gold rush from around the world to reinvest in U.S. stock markets.
America’s Silent Genocide: Economic Impact of Weak Drug Policy and Border Control | — CNBC states that the economic cost of opioid abuse has been about $1 trillion from 2001 through 2017, a new report says. The economic damage from heroin and prescription painkiller abuse may cost $500 billion from 2018 to 2020 alone.
Your Defensive Investment Strategy During a Market Crash | — More than 20 years ago, investors needed to buy defensive stock positions, sell stock short or buy puts on stocks to hedge their investments in the securities markets. Investors and money managers can also convert stocks to cash to prepare for a correction, but timing the market is always challenging. In the last big market crash, even the traditionally safe-defensive stocks crumbled in the wake of the global financial crisis.
Accenture plc. (NYSE:ACN),, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) – The United States, Economic Development, Tax Policy, Bringing Jobs Home, and Global Competition Strategy – 50% of Nothing is Still Nothing — The United States population is about 311 million people which represents about 4.5 percent of the worlds’ 7 billion viable consumers. For the United States to remain a world leader in business, it must remain competitive on a global level with regard to government effectiveness, economic development for entrepreneurial growth, and the costs of doing business. Because of globalization, people and business no longer need to be based in the USA for success or even rely on the US for survival.
Socialism Hazardous Nation’s Health and Wealth | — Oil and gas prices worldwide have come down over the last month. The price of a barrel of oil has gone from $74 down to $52 per barrel this year. In contrast, gasoline prices at the pump vary greatly due to each nation’s tax rates and political regulations. Paris is dealing with fuel riots, Reuters reports, due to increased petrol taxes to fund government jobs and activities related climate research.
News You Can Use: Tide for Investors Changed in November — The Federal Reserve has raised rates several times during the last year. The cost of borrowing money has gone up for both the private sector and for government. The average lending rate for a mortgage has shot up from 3.9% to around 5% in just one year. Barron’s recently reported that large bank profits may increase 40% due to the Fed’s interest rate hikes. Further, 40% of the holdings of companies like Berkshire Hathaway are said to be financial-related stocks.
GAFM Financial News – Nov./Dec 2018 Tide for Investors Changed in November — The Federal Reserve has raised rates several times during the last year. The cost of borrowing money has gone up for both the private sector and for government. The average lending rate for a mortgage has shot up from 3.9% to around 5% in just one year. Barron’s recently reported that large bank profits may increase 40% due to the Fed’s interest rate hikes. Further, 40% of the holdings of companies like Berkshire Hathaway are said to be financial-related stocks.
America Is Strongest When Politicians Help Working Families — For the last 38 years since Ronald Reagan was elected, I have always thought it strange when people talk about cutting funding. At its core, the worst way to cut funding is to reduce disposable income of working families and our nation’s consumers. Using Math 101 basics, if you raise sales tax, state tax, or federal taxes on income, you have cut funding and killed job benefits to all working moms and dads.
New York Gazette
New York Gazette Newspaper is the Oldest Newspaper in New Yorkby George S MentzWhat is it about? New York Gazette Newspaper is the Oldest Newspaper in New York. Est. 1725.
Trump Must Stop Fed From Fueling Inflation — In the last few weeks and months, the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates incrementally despite the better judgment of many U.S. entrepreneurs. The strangest anomaly to this governmental economic interference is the fact that the Fed actually has artificially increased inflation. The Fed has increased the cost of housing, the cost of investing, and the cost of tuition by hiking rates. Raising rates has boosted the price of food and drink and lifted the cost of your cell phone and data use.
Internet Stocks: Buy, Sell, Diversify or Take Profits — It seems that the global e-commerce has fully matured and companies on the World Wide Web are also maturing in nations around the world, one by one. It has taken over 20 years for internet use and functionality to go truly global. I still remember teaching internet technologies in the late 1990s and discussing the potential growth and demographics of internet use. Also, I can remember watching CNBC in 1997-8 and they were talking about the internet stock’s PE ratios being too high or stratospheric.
Global Academy of Finance & Management — It seems that the global e-commerce has fully matured and companies on the World Wide Web are also maturing in nations around the world, one by one. It has taken over 20 years for internet use and functionality to go truly global. I still remember teaching internet technologies in the late 1990s and discussing the potential growth and demographics of internet use. Also, I can remember watching CNBC in 1997-8 and they were talking about the internet stock’s PE ratios being too high or stratospheric.
Global Academy of Finance & Management — The Global Academy of Finance and Management, The AAPM Academy of Project Management, and the Academy of Financial Management have renewed the global alliance agreement. The Arab Academy officially recognizes the credentials and certifications of the GAFM, AAFM and AAPM. These certifications are conferred to graduates of top Arab Academy programs. The GAFM, AAFM and AAPM recognize the Arab Academy degrees and diplomas.
Listen to Audiobooks written by George Mentz — Prof. Dr.jur. George S. Mentz is an internationally known award winning author and speaker. Mentz has recently won a 2016 international book award in the self help category. Mentz is also the first person in the United States to be multi credentialed as a Lawyer, MBA, Qualified Financial Planner, Chartered Management Consultant, Certified Financial Consultant, and Registered/Licensed Financial Planner.
Trump Leads Obama’s ‘Lost Generation’ Back to Prosperity — Wages are finally growing again for the first time since the Internet Crash of 2000. This may be the first time many adults, college students and young workers have witnessed a strong economy where hiring was the norm and respectable wages can be found if you have marketable skills or want to be trained.
Global Academy of Finance & Management — Crisis and Challenges in Academic Leadership and Strategies forThe effectiveness of an academic leader greatly influences the quality of education, which directly impacts the learning outcomes of the students. Universities, colleges, high schools and elementary schools are led and managed by different ranks of academic leaders.
Top Certifications – In Finance, Risk, Project Management, Economics – Apply Today — Top Certifications – In Finance, Risk, Project Management, Economics – Apply TodayPublished on September 7, 2018 George Mentz JD MBA CWM®CEO GAFM – International Lawyer – NewsMax Columnist – FinTech & Crypto Boards – Education Executive -Frhr.
Summary and Analysis of The Intelligent Investor and the Ideas of Benjamin Graham: Study Guide of Wealth Management and Securities Analysis Concepts — Peter Lynch, one of the most successful investors of all time, shows you how to use what you already know to make money in the market. You’ll discover why smart money is not so smart – and why you may be a better stock picker than the pros, how to follow your hunches and back them up with facts, how to disregard reports on the economy and pick your own time to buy and sell, and how to determine which types of stocks are right for you.
The Economics and Innovation of Immigration — While immigration debates are complex, there are some issues which we all may agree upon. The key point of agreement is that our laws are in drastic need of innovation. I took immigration law almost 25 years ago. Laws on asylum and refugee status need to be updated as they have not been substantially changed since before Barack Obama and I were in law school. Unlike most politicians and pundits, I have lived for periods of time or worked in countries such as Mexico, Saudi Arabia and China.
Global Academy of Finance & Management — The Chartered Wealth Manager ® is a designation awarded by the IBS International Board of Standards and GAFM. The Chartered Wealth Manager ® was the first US wealth management designation to be recognized in the Wall Street Journal and in the FINRA/NASD Guides in 2004. The global financial dictionary Investopedia recognizes the Chartered Wealth Manager ® also. Chartered Wealth Manager ® – Chartered Designation Status is the distinction of a qualified industry professional.
Economic Impact of Oil and Gas on Inflation and the Fed — In the last 40 years, the Federal Reserve could evaluate inflation by analyzing the cost of goods and services as they moved up or down in price. The Fed traditionally looked at these inflation increases as more static than dynamic in relation to the cost of energy. With new oil and gas capacity, global production, technology, substitutes and agile markets, the cost of oil and gas can increase quickly, but the world production can also increase much more quickly than say 20 years ago.
Dissecting the Grand Economic Failure of Obamacare — In the late 1980s, I had a $1 million catastrophic insurance policy for under $200 a year. That’s right, healthcare for less than $17 a month with $1 million in coverage and a $5,000 deductible which covered emergency care. Today, lack of access for working families and their children to preventative medicine may be one of the biggest obstacles to our country’s productivity and health.
New Book – 100 Secrets & Habits of the Illuminati for Life Success — 100 Secrets & Habits of the Illuminati for Life Success: The Art of the Highly Effective Badass The Path to Extreme Illumination by George Mentz Buy Online Kindle or Paperback Link: If you’ve ever read any self-help books, you’ll know that many of them are quite the same. They talk about dealing with people, leading, managing, making money, making good decisions, building things, and cultivating the type of attitude that is necessary to have for success, among other things.
15 Ways Trump Can Improve Economy at Little or No Cost to Taxpayers — Over the years, it has been difficult to unite working people to generate ideas to move this country forward. President Donald Trump, who has been a business leader for decades, has an opportunity to take this country to the next level of global competitiveness and protect U.S. workers with fair policies for people from all demographics. Here are 15 ideas for Trump to expand innovation, financial sustainability, and productivity at little or no cost to the taxpayers.
5 Reasons Federal Reserve Should Leave Interest Rates Alone | — A short time after I wrote about the Federal Reserve’s ability to wreck one of the best economies in 100 years, President Donald Trump has echoed and repeated my analysis and implied that the Federal Reserve should rethink their old ways. Fed members typically don’t understand working-class issues related to lending, and the nation’s central bank usually isn’t focused on small business and Main Street.
Political Taxes Have Forced US Companies to Outsource for 40 Years — What is a tariff? The dictionary defines a tariff as a tax on imports or exports between sovereign states. In the last 500 days, taxes on U.S. citizens and U.S. companies are both down substantially for the first time in 50 years thanks to the new leadership from President Donald Trump. Personal and business deductions and expense provisions have been expanded.
Gifting Wealth and the Estate Tax Law Under Trump — Compared to the late 1990s, the new Trump gift and estate tax laws are superb and protect family businesses, farms, couples, single parents, and families with many children and grandchildren. After a review of the new tax law, it must be said that at this time, estate tax is not a problem for most folks unless you are very wealthy. However, the new tax law is a temporary law which gives rise to the strategic gifting opportunities.
“Fake it Till you Make It” – Good or Bad? — The “Fake it Till You Make It” platitude has helped a lot of folks in changing their path, modeling themselves after the best, and aiming for excellence. While I don’t like the “Fake It” moniker, sometimes people must go beyond their comfort zone, get past fear, and try to go to the next level.
The GAFM AAPM and International Board of Standards have signed a Mutual Agreement with the Société Nationale des Ingénieurs Professionnels de France. — The SNIPF: National Society of Professional Engineers of France is an Association governed by the law of July 1, 1901, SNIPF .
Fed Rate Hikes Could Derail Trump Economic Bliss — As a student of wealth management and the economy, I am concerned with typical historical government intervention of the past. Because the present administration is enacting strong policies in key areas of: trade, taxation, competitiveness, and lending rates, this economy has a chance to stabilize for long-term growth. Maybe we can learn from the mistakes of the recent past.
Fed Rate Hikes Could Derail Trump Economic Juggernaut — As a student of wealth management and the economy, I am concerned with typical historical government intervention of the past. Because the present administration is enacting strong policies in key areas of: trade, taxation, competitiveness, and lending rates, this economy has a chance to stabilize for long-term growth. Maybe we can learn from the mistakes of the recent past.
Graduates can be Recognized with ISO Certified Credentials. — Dear Professors and Deans, It is that time of year again. If your qualifying masters degree and PhD graduates are seeing certification, please nominate them for certification directly to GAFM and AAPM. Email nomination and resume to: or** Accreditation – Our GAFM ® Certification Board is TUV Accredited and ISO 9001 Certified for Quality and ISO 29990 Certified for Training Educational Standards. Approved Sanctioned by the Arab Academy for over 20 Arab Nations.
Stronger Online Piracy Laws Will Protect Intellectual Property | — In the last decade, we have heard many people talking about privacy rights and keeping the internet free and the protections of intellectual property. Of course, every red blooded American wants to keep the internet open, collaborative, innovative, and even let the debates continue as it is part of our culture. For whatever reason, nothing happened with IP protections during the Obama administration. Maybe the Trump administration can finally assemble some experts who can deal with this.
Obama’s 5 Biggest Financial Failures and Economic Mistakes — In the late 1990s, President Clinton and Newt Gingrich repealed Glass Steagall where banking could now engage brokerage and insurance transactions. i.e. One Stop Shopping. Some futurists speculate that banking branches may disappear or not be cost effective in the future. Certainly, I would agree that putting branches where there are no customers is a very bad idea. However, here are 25 revenue ideas to transform bank branches to maximize the insourcing of business.
Lessons Still to Be Learned From Legendary ‘Intelligent Investor’ — “The Intelligent Investor” was written Benjamin Graham and published in 1949. The book is widely used by many gurus and business schools as a teaching tool but is partly outdated. It was and is a widely acclaimed book on value investing. Graham died in 1976. If you glean the key chapters of the famous book, The Intelligent Investor, you will see that there are key variables and new technology that have changed some of the logic used in the original book.
How Voters Feel the Benefits of Trump Tax Plan – Top 10 Tax Tips — In shocking SurveyMonkey polls conducted from (February 12 to March 5th, 2018), a majority of people in these key states support Trump’s Tax Plan: Florida, Wisconsin, Michigan, & Ohio. Further, 50% or more of voters in 10 states that voted for President Trump but have Democratic senators have a positive view of the economy. The Trump Tax Plan has key provisions that puts money in workers bank accounts and onto main street. Here are the 10 biggest reasons why working families are feeling the joy.
Why U-6 and New Jobs Could Boost the Markets — Will Trump Tax Cuts and Jobs Market Continue to Boost the Markets? With a huge slowdown of the economy and the housing bubble in 2008-9, many workers in the peak of their earning careers lost their jobs with many dipping into their retirement to pay debts or mortgages using hardship provisions. Various sectors were crushed including construction, education, technology and more. After 17 years, the NASDAQ has finally come back to surpass the historic highs of 2000.
How Voters and Families Feel Benefits of Trump Tax Plan — In shocking SurveyMonkey polls conducted from (February 12 to March 5th, 2018), a majority of people in these key states support Trump’s Tax Plan: Florida, Wisconsin, Michigan, & Ohio. Further, 50% or more of voters in 10 states that voted for President Trump but have Democratic senators have a positive view of the economy. The Trump Tax Plan has key provisions that puts money in workers bank accounts and onto main street. Here are the 10 biggest reasons why working families are feeling the joy.
Top 25 Greatest Business Books: Classics on Success, Leadership, Prosperity, & Self Help — Disclaimer: This is not the original book. Be prepared to keep this book’s advice close to you at all times as you embark on your journey of investing; even successful investors like Warren Buffet consider this their investment bible. This book, The Intelligent Investor, teaches us how to manage our investments so that we will always minimize our losses and maximize our returns.
Will Trump Tax Cuts and Jobs Market Continue to Boost the Markets? | — Over the last 10 years, the economy struggled with millions of workers abandoning their job search altogether. With a huge slowdown of the economy and the housing bubble in 2008-9, many workers in the peak of their earning careers lost their jobs with many dipping into their retirement to pay debts or mortgages using hardship provisions. Various sectors were crushed including construction, education, technology and more.
Its’ FLOHCOPAIA Stupid ? How and Why Donald Trump could Win – FL Florida OH Ohio CO Colorado Iowa and Even PA Pennsylvania — Trump Endorsements – Democrats and Republicans – Can both sides endorse Trump’s Revolutionary Ideas? 40 Thousand Come out To See Trump for Recent Pep Rally …Is Trump hitting the Sweet Spot of the Working Families? By: George Mentz, JD MBA, CWM – Aug. 21, 2015To make a long story short, here are the types of things TRUMP is saying in interviews that are causing heads to spin and working families to join his cause. Will he attract Unions? Will he Get the Reagan Vote? or Will he Self Destruct?
Summary and Analysis of Thomas Troward and the Secrets of Manifesting in the Dore Lectures & Edinburgh Lectures — Judge Troward worked in India in the 1800s. His codification or world teachings influenced many of the greatest thinkers of the 20th-century American self-help movement. Troward believed that world was Universal Mind, and the seed of all things is thought in conjunction with the universal source. To materialize anything, one must think it and develop sufficient desire for the goal coupled with a clear mental image of the outcome.
Summary and Analysis – The Science of Getting Rich: The Prosperity Manifesto of Wallace Wattles — This super short VIP summary of Wallace Wattles’ teachings is a metaphysical bombshell. This manuscript brings it all together. If you want to develop a holistic view of Wattles’ teachings, then listen to this digest carefully. Go to this book when you catch your confidence ebbing, so you can make a full shift of consciousness to the world of prosperity and richness of life, which includes health, love, relationships, wealth, greatness, and more. This is the grand slam of prosperity teachings.
Top 25 Greatest Business Books: Classics on Success, Leadership, Prosperity, & Self Help — Top 25 Greatest Business Books: Classics on Success, Leadership, Prosperity, & Self HelpPublished on December 6, 2017CEO – JD/MBA – Intl Lawyer – Accredited Certification Training – Speaker – Bestselling Author – Seigneur of Fief BlondelTop 25 Greatest Business Books: Classics on Success, Leadership, Prosperity, & Self BUY THIS AUDIO BOOK TODAY The Keys to Success Not Taught at Harvard, Yale, & Stanford Business Schools – Summary & Analysis By: George Mentz Narrated by: Saethon Williams…