Author Archives: admin

It’s Prosperity, Stupid: 10 Ways Trump Policy Sent Economy to New Records

It’s Prosperity, Stupid: 10 Ways Trump Policy Sent Economy to New Records

Here are 10 reasons why more than three-quarters of American voters approve of the economy under President Donald Trump.

In a CNN poll this week, 76% say the economy is very good or “just plain” good.

A stunning 60% of large and small business owners in a CNBC poll say they approve of President Trump’s job performance, which is at an “all time high.”

  1. Trump has created a whopping 7 nillion new jobs. By cutting President Barack Obama’s new taxes on small businesses, the economy has grown organically for the first time in 30 years. While Obama fought to bring back jobs lost while in his first year as president, Obama created trillions of new debt just to temporarily hire back a few of the 5 million workers who had been laid off in 2009. In contrast, President Trump has created “new jobs” and the best economy in 50 years in just 3 years.
  2. No wasteful wars, real foreign policy and real diplomacy. Obama got us into new wars in Syria, Libya, and Yemen and more. During Obama, diplomats and ambassadors were assassinated and one of our nation’s consulates was invaded and blown up.
  3. Hispanic, Asian, and all minority employment has hit all-time records. All minorities have finally benefited under a president. Overall unemployment has fallen from 4.8 percent to an unimaginable 50 year low of 3.5% percent. In a recent CNBC poll, 85% of workers happy with their jobs under Trump which is nothing short of amazing.
  4. Fair trade.  U.S. is forcing other nations to play fair. Not a single bureaucrat supported the renegotiation of NAFTA, NATO or TPP. The U.S. has entered a new paradigm of diplomacy where our diplomats are negotiating fiercely for worker families to prevent bad deals. Withdrawing from bad deals of the past which has hurt working families and killed jobs on the East and West Coast for a generation.
  5. Fair taxes on small business and corporations which hire people. Rather than the worst in the world, the Trump Tax Reform has made the U.S. the most competitive place to do business. The new small business deductions and larger standard deductions have increased worker paychecks and spending on Main Street. Under Obama in 2016, the U.S. business taxes were ranked the worst in the world.
  6. Strong stock markets under Trump help over 50% of all working families with a better retirement. Trump’s economic strategy has helped create 10 trillion in new wealth for our nation. In contrast, the NASDAQ was at the same in 2016 under Obama as it was during Clinton 17 years before. A study by the Federal Reserve Board found that in 2016, 51.9 percent of families owned stocks, either directly or as part of a fund.
  7. Fair immigration. We have plenty of elderly, orphans, widows, and needy located in the U.S. As an international lawyer who has studied immigration law and trade, we must make it fair again for our citizens and relatives abroad. Lastly, there are over 50 American Nations and territories in our American hemisphere. Thus, there needs to be a conscious innovation of immigration laws for every country. Talk to any immigration lawyer and they may tell you that the laws for H1B, Asylum and Refugees have been outdated and were written before Obama even attend law school.
  8. Reduction in crime, drug death, and riots. While inner city crime is still a problem in big city controlled strongholds such as Detroit and Chicago, crime has gone down 5% less under Trump which is massive. We had the first reduction in drug deaths under President Trump as opioid death went down 2.8 percent from 2017 to 2018. While Obama was in office, about 500,000 died from opioid related death with the number going up each year under Obama, but that number is finally going down under Trump’s border control strategy and other common sense “law and order” policies. There have been 1 million parents or children who lost a child or parent under Obama, and these voters may be inclined to support a leader who cares about and invests into combating the issue.
  9. Affordable education and education costs coming down with more skills courses available. With new initiatives from the White House, new online programs are being expanded to support those who want affordable education. From Coursera to EdX to Google and others, new online programs supported by the Trump Administration are now available to working parents, the disabled, elderly and those in rural areas. Some courses and degree programs are at little or no cost. Higher education will have many changes in the near future as more options are available.
  10. Cost of debt went down for families thanks to President Trump. President Trump is the first president in history to lobby the Federal Reserve to reduce the interest rates on mortgages, credit cards, and auto loans. Trump is the first president to comprehend that raising interest rates on working families kills the ability for working moms and dads to pay bills or save money. The Federal Reserve’s new higher rates in 2017-18 hit hardest the people living from paycheck to paycheck, and President Trump was able to “wake up” the Fed to the “disposable income” realities of working folks outside of DC and New York.

In the end, if you know somebody who dislikes President Trump and loved Obama and Clinton, that is common because the New York media told the American people that Trump only had a 7% chance of winning. Today, millions of people are truly sad with the performance failures of the Obama Presidency. Some are also having trouble recovering from the failures of the Clinton’s various runs for president. Obama had a rough time coming back from the Federal Reserve rates of over 5% in 2007 which wiped out the economy for Bush and Obama. Obama spent almost all of his presidency trying to get the 5 million jobs back that were lost in his 1st year in office, but Obama’s tax and regulatory framework were too punitive for workers and small businesses which kept wages and growth at a standstill.

It is fundamentally amazing that a reduction in: taxes, red tape, war, and waste could create such a vibrant economy under President Trump and Senate Leader Mitch McConnell. The rest of the world is looking at the U.S. like they did during the Reagan years, and we are all grateful for this moment in time of “peace and prosperity.”

New Book – THE ART OF BECOMING WEALTHY by: George Mentz



This book is both practical and magical. It can and will help you produce a greater life if you take the suggestions listed herein. Give this one book a chance to lift you to a new higher level of happiness, health and success. You deserve it. If you have read books by Tim Ferris, Brene Brown, Joel Osteen, Michael Beckwith, Rev Ike, T Harv Ekar, Napoleon Hill, Oprah Winfrey, Gabrielle Bernstein, Michelle Obama, Peter Drucker, or Donald Trump, then here is your chance to get those extra nugents of success that can help you break out to new levels of happiness and wealth. This is a condensed encyclopedia of success strategies and tactics. This books is designed to be a VIP refresher on mental and spiritual issues of: wealth, success, spirituality, metaphysics, business, mindset, philosophy, and consciousness. This is the mini MBA of Mindfulness and Performance.



At any age, people may need to reboot their lives. Some need to start over completely;   some may need a new start or a leg up in life. These ideas are critical to those who want advanced growth in their life. If you are familiar with cognitive therapy, boot camps, or 12 step work, you know that in 6 months to a year, a person’s life can fundamentally change and be redirected toward usefulness, a higher purpose, or a destiny of their calling.

This Book contains 12 individual “Bio Hacking” [i] steps to innovation, success, health, wealth, and prosperity.

These steps are a framework for a radical advancement of your life, mindset, performance, and success. Read these concepts carefully, using a dictionary if you must. Each sentence within each step may be the most important concept that you have ever read. Some ideas may seem trivial when compared to the major issues going on in your life; however, the steps are for a broad audience looking for growth and advancement.

If you can dig deep and change yourself from the inside out, and begin to use great habits on a daily basis, you begin to stack the cosmic cards of life in your favor and you win at life’s celestial casino going forward. Famous sales gurus often say that the difference between failure and great success can be as little as 2% more effort each day than other folks. Thus, we must all learn to control our dominant thoughts and habits while rejecting and avoiding needless scarcity and struggle based thinking. All pessimists have is their opinion of failure and “they are determined to be right about what is wrong with this world.” As they say, belief is the acceptance of something as truth. Once you accept a belief, that acceptance begins to create new realities for you and you begin to experience life in a whole new way.



New Books and Audio Books by George Mentz who is an Award Winning Success Author – Wealth Management Professor and member of the Commission Presidential Scholars

Professor Mentz is one of the top writers in the world in the areas of human performance, wealth management,  and self-actualization.   He is one of the few self-help thought leaders who speaks and writes in the areas of metaphysics and human performance while also having Wall Street Firm experience as a wealth management advisor.  Very few authors in the world have held a Doctorate of Jurisprudence, and MBA, and investment banking licenses but George Mentz has done all of these things.  Further, Mentz is one of the most prolific professors in modern history teaching and designing over 300 courses both onsite and online for law schools and business schools worldwide. Most professors only teach 120 or fewer courses in an entire career.  Prof. Mentz was recently honored to become a US  Commissioner for the Presidential Scholars Program in the USA and has volunteered for the Federal Government and various Charities for many years.

Here are books and analyses that Mentz has authored or written in the last few years.  Dr./Jur. Mentz has authored over 50 books and audiobooks in the last few years. Most of his books focus on business school topics such as investments, wealth management or project management while many of his books focus on human performance, self-actualization, and spirituality. In the last decade, Mentz has been able to synthesize some of these topics to create bestselling and award-winning empowerment literature.

Here are a few of his recent books which you can view here:  Best Success Books

  1. Summary and Analysis of The Science of Getting Rich – The Prosperity Manifesto of Wallace Wattles
  2. Summary and Analysis of The Power of Now  – Practicing Mindfulness Synopsis of Being Contemplative in Action
  3. The Secret Habits of Manifesting Success & Prosperity The Extreme Art of Becoming Highly Effective
  4. Top 25 Greatest Business Books  – Classics on Success – Leadership – Prosperity & Self Help: The Keys to Success Not Taught at Harvard Yale & Stanford
  5. Wealth Management Handbook  The Intelligent Investor Guide to Financial Planning & Investing Principles  #1 Best Seller 2019
  6. 50 Laws of Power of the Illuminati –  A Guide to the Secrets Habits Metaphysics and Spiritual Strategies of Highly Effective Successful People
  7. The Illuminati Secret Laws of Money –  The Wealth Mindset Manifesto: The Life-Changing Magic and Habits of Spiritual Mastery
  8. Making Money   Guide to Investing  – How You Can Be a BadAss Intelligent Investor and Wealth Manager: Unshakeable Life-Changing Financial Strategies
  9. Think and Grow Rich – Pocket Summary of the Concepts and Philosophy of Dr. Napoleon Hill with Charles Haanel Master Key System Bonus Section
  10. The Law of Attraction – The Greatest Books on Prosperity – Summaries of Wallace Wattles – Napoleon Hill – Charles Haanel – Thomas Troward – Robert Collier – William Walker Atkinson: Get Power Now
  11. Masters of the Secrets –   The Science of Getting Rich and Master Key System Expanded Bestseller Version
  12. It Works The Power of Success –  The Greatest Success Secrets Ever Known
  13. Summary of  – As a Man Thinketh by James Allen

For speaking and teaching engagements, please go to the George Mentz website.  Commissioner Mentz can speak and teach on the areas of: Wealth Management, Investments, Financial Planning, Risk Management, Legal Strategy for Business, Startups, Entrepreneurship, Educational Innovation, Personal Achievement  Strategy, Personal Empowerment, Spirituality and Success and much more.   Mentz holds an MBA, and Graduate International Law Diploma/Certificate, and a Doctor of  Jurisprudence after attending courses sponsored by  Loyola, Tulane, and William and Mary Law School where he studied in the US, Latin America, and Europe.  Mentz also was awarded a Doctor of Spiritual Studies from the Emerson Institute based on his research and publications.   Mentz was a Senior Wealth Management Advisor for a Wall Street Firm and is the USA’s first professor to teach Wealth Management at an ABA Accredited Law School. Mentz serves on the Commission for Presidential Scholars in the USA.  Mentz is a licensed counselor of law in the USA EDLA and President of the Mentz Law Firm LLC which handles consumer protection law, defamation, class action lawyer work and consumer fraud lawsuits.

New Books by George Mentz – Award Winning Success Author and International Wealth Management Expert

Here are some new Books by Commissioner Mentz







College Education in the 21st Century – The Future and Technology


George Mentz is now a Commissioner for the US Presidential Scholars Program. He is also a prolific educator, futurist and historian on education, human performance and business success strategy.

Courtesy of the New York Gazette®

Success scholar George Mentz’s has authored over 40 books and audiobooks including, The Wealth Management Handbook &  “The Secret Laws of Money,” discusses innovative ways to practically apply:  wealth management, financial planning, project management,  and prosperity strategies in daily life. Inspired by Ben Franklin, Sun Tzu, and Marcus Aurelius among others, Mentz says that, “Achievement can be greatly enhanced with just a 1-3% increase in daily performance.” “Fundamentally, education, skills and credentials are keys to success.”

George Mentz is also an award winning author, scholar of success books and law professor. Mentz says that the research of proven success strategies has paid off for countless people.  One of his mottos is “The wings of achievement are based on proven successful models”.

Mentz says, a desire for success, unifies the major business and human performance traditions. People take for granted the principles of success.  Success books are something original to America as the USA was one of the first nations to allow a free press where individuals could write and speak about individualism, entrepreneurship, seeking careers, and creating prosperity.  If you look at the writings of Benjamin Franklin or Emerson, you can see the basic principles of individual success. It was a relatively new idea in early America that you could be, do and have what you legally wanted if you were willing to work for it.

What inspired your research and books?

I was initially intrigued by the idea that if you can model yourself after the mindset of great people, you can achieve success.  Later I found that even the most successful people usually were inspired by a book or a person.  Finding out what smart or happy people do and think to achieve results began to be one of my lifetime goals. It became a study of the consciousness of success.

In reading self help books, what do you seek to learn?

You can read a whole book on success and maybe get just one or two key nuggets of success from the book.  However, that one little nugget can be a life saver or the real secret to achieving success in a particular area such as: Sports, Business, Survival, Health, Relationships,  Investing or even Taxation.

What have success books taught you?

In the USA, we have learned that we may have 5-10 careers in a lifetime. I have learned that you don’t have to be or do just one thing.  Generally, it is always best to focus and become the best at your niche, but you can do more.  Many people have jobs that they like, but want more authentic expression.  To them, I would say to find a hobby, volunteer work,  or other jobs that you love to do on the side if you can.  In my case, I have education standards companies, but I also have been teaching for over 20 years.  I have taught and designed over 300 courses of law and business in the last 20 years and won various teaching awards of which I am very proud of. Very few people have done this amount of teaching in a lifetime. So, in my hobby, I actually have become a pioneer and leader in the areas of e-learning and learning technology.

Where do you think that education and success education is headed?

Well, there will be much more online learning using Apps and MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) with companies such as EdX.  People will learn from tablets, phones, desktops and televisions from anywhere in the world.  I have actually taught live or lectured online from Arabia, Asia, EU and Latin America to students around the world.  People still demand onsite VIP training and certification programs, but the colleges are changing quickly.  Many 3rd and 4th tier colleges and law schools will continue to struggle unless they can innovate and offer hybrid online programs and customized masters programs.

Do you think educational curriculums will change?

Business Schools will continue to innovate.  Of course, they will continue to have courses in accounting, economics, management, law, leadership, marketing, and finance.  However, there may continue to be an expanded focus on legal courses and courses on success.  There are methodologies to success in life and business, and the typical curriculums are not covering key ideas of how to start businesses in the USA and abroad, running a business, local or global selling, abiding by regulations, global entrepreneurship, etc.

How can people who can’t afford education proceed?

Many people will begin to use major MOOCs such as FutureLearn, EdX, Coursera, Udemy, and others to complete online courses and diplomas.  Many students will take short courses as a path to achieve certifications, professional designations, and licenses.

What about Traditional Colleges in the next few years?

We may be transitioning to a time where more and more students will use the global degree format where they study and engage experiential work in a few different cities or countries while not being on campus. A student can take credentials such as project management certification or financial planning certification online.  The reality is that a really cool GAP year traveling the world can provide an amazing education and can be much cheaper than one year on a traditional campus.

Biography:  ** Commissioner George Mentz JD MBA CWM Chartered Wealth Manager ® is a licensed attorney and CEO of GAFM ® global education, which is an ISO 29990 Certified professional development company operating in over 50 nations. Mentz is an award-winning author and advisory board member to several companies around the world in education, charities, and FinTech. Mentz holds a (JD) Doctor of Jurisprudence degree, and MBA, and a Graduate International Law Diploma/Certificate along with federal and state law licenses. Mentz and his companies have been seen in The Hindu, the El Norte Mexico, Newsmax, The China Daily, The Arab Times, The Hill, The Wall Street Journal, The Week UK,  Denver Post, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, FOX and many more.

The Ancient History of Mardi Gras and Karneval

The Early History of Mardi Gras and Karneval

By George Mentz JD MBA CILS

First of all, The Roman Papacy, which paid great attention to converting popular pagan customs for Christianity and is said to have retained the pagan festival Saturnalia under the name of Fasching “English = Fasting Eve” or (Carnival.).

While Mardi Gras is distinctively French, the West German Frankish counterpart is called Fasching Fastnacht or Karneval. Although the exact historical origins of the festivities of Fasching are unclear, the observance of its rites is mentioned in Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival (early 13th century). Karneval is a Latin based term that comes from the “carnem levare” (to give up meat).

1234 AD ~ Carnival or Karneval festival originated in the cities such as Mainz and Speyer—and was already established in Koln/Cologne Germany by year 1234 according to Encyclopedia Britannica. As a note, the city of Mainz is the “Designated Holy See (sancta sedes ) North of the Alps” of the Roman Catholic Church. Further, the city of Speyer is an ancient capital city of the Holy Roman Empire which is near the border of France on the Rhineland side of the border.

In Medieval Bavaria and Germany, during Fasching or Fastnacht all people were allowed to be their own masters for the three days before Passion Week. The subjected classes were then allowed to drink to the dregs all pleasures within their reach, to ridicule and parody human and divine laws and ceremonies, without the slightest restraint. The clergy even joined in with the masses. There were generally crazy days “Tolle Tage”, and after that people were tired and ready to repent for lent.

1294 AD ~ The Frankish Carnival or French Mardi Gras dates as far back as year 1294 in places like Nice, Paris and other parts of West Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Mardi Gras is also called Shrove Tuesday or Fat Tuesday in English. The earliest records in France establish its existence in 1294 when the Count of Provence, Charles Anjou, wrote that he had passed “the joyous days of carnival.”

Mardi Gras refers to the Carnival celebrations, beginning on or after the Christian feasts of the Epiphany (Three Kings Day) and culminating on the day before Ash Wednesday.

1699AD ~ According to, The first American Mardi Gras took place on March 3, 1699, when French explorers Pierre Le Moyne d’Iberville and Sieur de Bienville landed near present-day New Orleans, Louisiana. They held a small celebration and dubbed their landing spot Point du Mardi Gras.

Many people refer to Mardi Gras Day as Pancake Day particularly in the British Empire. Pancake Day, or Shrove Tuesday, is the traditional feast day before the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday. Lent – the 40 days leading up to Easter – was traditionally a time of fasting and on Shrove Tuesday, Anglo-Saxon Christians went to confession and were “shriven” (absolved from their sins).

As for today, Carnival appears to be celebrated in many European countries and over 40 nations around the world. To read the history of Louisiana Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday, go to:

George Mentz – New Manuscript on Extreme Success Strategies

Title:  The Secret habits of Manifesting Success & Prosperity Subtitle: The Extreme Art of Becoming Highly Effective 

This book takes the philosophy of consciousness to a new level. It analyzes how we think, act and achieve using our mind, body and spirit. The book looks at various cultural beliefs and mythologies and applies these ancient truths to the principles of success and abundance. The definition of success, prosperity and achievement is usually just a person or team that is operating at 1-2% higher level than the others. Read this book to learn how to shift your consciousness and your dominant thinking toward a more productive and peaceful life. This blockbuster books is one of the first to analyze consciousness, mindfulness and success principles and bring it all together into to a coherent path to peace, power and genuine results.

Review the Book

The Extreme Art of Becoming Highly Effective

Table of Contents

The Secret habits of Manifesting success & prosperity.. 1

Section I.. 6

The 3 Operative Areas of Philosophy and Awareness. 6

1)     The Matrix or Framework Philosophy. 9

2) Reality and the Senses – Perception Philosophy. 9

3) Innovation Philosophy – Changing Mind and Environment. 10

Operative Steps to Success – Moving Toward Your Destiny. 12

20 Philosophical Principles of Personal Progress. 15

Section II – Principle of Success from Various Cultures. 22

1)      Abundant Thoughts on Ancient Wisdom Scripture: 22

2)      Success Secrets and Virtues of Pythagoras – The 12 Fold Path of the Pythagoreans. 26

Twelve Fold Path – With Pythagorean Golden Verse References. 27

Ten of the most representative Pythagorean aphorisms are reproduced below with a brief analysis of their mystical meanings.. 29

3)      The Success Strategies of Caesar Marcus Aurelius. 31

Here are the 33 Principles of Achievement from: Emperor Marcus Aurelius. 31

The Secret Path of Roman Stoicism… 34

4) Taoism and Taoist Eastern Inspiration. 35

Taoist Ideas. 37

5) Vedic Eastern Inspiration.. 39

Hindu Success Principles – Americanized.. 40

Energy Centers and Chakras. 47

6) Native American Inspiration. 49

Native American Spiritual Exercise:. 51

Descriptions of the Directions:. 52

7) Greek, Egyptian, and Hermetic Cosmic Principles of The Kyballion. 53

The Synthesis of the Ancient Greco-Egyptian Hermetic Principles. 58

8)     The New World – A Synthesis of Virtues by: Benjamin Franklin. 61

9)     The Viking Path – Havamal Virtues – 33 Degree Path. 62

The Viking Tree of Life and The 9 Worlds. 64

The following are the Viking Twelve Thews – Twelve Æþeling Þews. 66

10)        Buddhist Eight Fold Path to Success   四圣谛: 67

Summary of The Eightfold Path.. 75

Part III – Achieving Greatness and Peace of Mind.. 76

How to Be Great – Being Your Best for Relationships at Home and Work.. 76

Success Oriented Prayer for Peace – Based on Francis of Assisi. 80


The 12 Steps and the 28 Concepts of Oxford Group. 83

These are the original twelve steps as published by Alcoholics Anonymous:[10] 88

New Thought – Creative Success Executive Summary. 89

A Short Analysis of the 8 Parts of The Lord’s Prayer. 103

The 12 Characteristics of Prosperous People. 104

How to Get What You Want – The Postulates of Great Thinkers to Consciously Improve Your Life of Abundance.. 105

9 Concepts of Conscious Manifesting and Creation. 112

How to send and embed ideas in the Subconscious from Conscious. A Short List of Methods and Exercises to Increase or Change Belief Structures?. 114

Other Attributes that Affect and Change Belief Structure – Knowledge, Evidence, and Comprehension.. 115

12 Steps to Transformation.. 117

Clear Your Mind – Banishing Negativity for Abundance. 119

Acronyms to Inspire your Subconscious Mind. 120

15 Powerful Tools for Success in Todays Fast Paced World.. 121














An Incomplete Formula for a Higher Faith – Please use a portion of each, mix and achieve certainty. 151

Harmony Gratitude and Contemplative Boldness. 152

Quotes on Prosperity and Abundance. 154

BIO Author/Editor. 159

2020 Influential Educators in Business – George Mentz Colorado Springs


Designing and teaching over 250 online courses over the last 20 years innovating e-learning and legal education  making education available to the disabled, people caring for children or the elderly, working students, and those who can’t go to traditional school

Helping  increase certification programs and scholarships for those in need in over 40 countries.

U.S. Law School graduate who engaged research and education in USA, EU Europe,&  Latin America achieving a Doctor of Jurisprudence in Civil Law, and MBA and International Law Credentials.  

As an avid tennis fan and player for 40 years,  CEO  and Attorney  George Mentz compares the keys to the major sport of tennis to achievement in life.

“You have got to be in the moment and have that heightened awareness to operate at your full potential,” Commissioner George Mentz  says, referring to the micro-seconds between tennis balls moving across the court at 90-100+  miles per hour. “All sound achievement is built on mastery of: analysis, creativity, purpose,  awareness, planning, skills, imagination, ethics, action and innovating/adapting.”

Overall, Mentz’s life has been a slow and steady path to achievement that led him in 1996 to found one of the most successful educational bodies offering micro-credentials to those who take VIP courses and accredited exams and education from top accredited business schools and law schools.

Counselor Mentz served 20+ years as a professor designing and teaching over 300 courses and programs worldwide using the newest technology and tools.   “Most professors never teach more than 150-200 courses in a lifetime, but technology has changed all of that in the last few years.” Mentz spent over 5 years in several different countries, as a graduate student, earning a Doctor of Jurisprudence, an Accredited MBA, and a coveted International Law Certificate while later earning law and investment licenses.  Mentz’s education was completed at top law schools and business schools including William and Mary Law School and Loyola Law School and Loyola MBA programs.

Mentz is a global communicator and has worked and traveled to over 40 nations worldwide.  He first met President Trump in New Orleans in 1988 and has remained a loyal fan ever since.  While Mentz had volunteered for the Bush Family and the Obama administration to assist in helping people with job information and economic trends, Mentz had always wanted to do more and serve more.  In October of 2019, Mentz was honored with an appointment to become a Commissioner for the White House Presidential Scholars Program.  “I am deeply grateful to President Trump and the White House directors who have nominated and  allowed me to serve in this capacity.”

As a private educational executive for a certification body, “We are working toward partnerships and alliances with the largest MOOCs and Educational bodies in the world including  the ACBSP, edX, FutureLearn, Coursera, Udemy, New Oriental Education and several others.  While some small colleges struggle, MOOC companies such as Udemy offer over 100,000 course and attendance certificates.  Coursera and edX have hundreds of  university partners and millions of students offering hundreds of certificates, MicroCredentials,  diplomas,  and degree programs into your state and worldwide.   Mentz says, “We are at a pivotal time in history where e-learning and open learning are expanding so fast that we need to make sure technical students and working students have the opportunity for professional: certifications, designations, charters, and other post-nominal credentials to accommodate the courses and exams taken by students.

The world seems so small Mentz says, “I grew up around the Gov. John Bel Edwards family in Louisiana, and I was a classmate of Steve Scalise at LSU Louisiana State University. “” I respect and support both families.” “As my mother was both German and Sicilian – Hispanic from small town Louisiana, I’d like to think that I bring a special type of diversity and culture to Washington.”

Some of Mentz’s core principles are “teaching, excellence, and giving”, which is something Mentz and the IBS International Board of Standards take very seriously.  Mentz has won several nationally based awards for excellence in teaching along with winning an IBA International Book Award for one of his Success Books called Quantum Bliss. “I firmly believe that if you can teach people the perennial wisdom and principles of success, they can master their destiny and serve humanity at greater levels.” Mentz has authored over 40 books and audio books on success related topics.

Mentz has served on boards and advisory boards in the USA and several nations.  Mentz has served as an advisor to the Global Finance Forum Switzerland, The World E-Commence Forum in the UK, DeVry University, The Institute for Credentialing Excellence and for other charities and non-profits.  Mentz and his family have been active in tree farming for decades and Mentz is the titular Seigneur de Fief Blondel in the Crown Dependency Channel Island of Guernsey.  Mentz serves as the CEO of the International Organization for Quality Management

Mentz can be contacted for speaking, training, legal, advisory, and consulting at or

Commissioner George Mentz becomes Associate of St. George House – Windsor Castle


Commissioner George Mentz becomes Associate of St. George House – Windsor Castle

This week, George Mentz was invited to join as an associate of St. George House  – Windsor Castle.  St George’s House was founded in 1966 by H.R.H. The Duke of Edinburgh and the then Dean of Windsor, Robin Woods, as a place where people of influence and responsibility in every area of society can come together to explore and communicate their views and analysis of contemporary issues.

Mentz stated, “As a lifelong teacher and member of the US Commission on Presidential Scholars, I decided to join the St. George House as I am committed to service to humanity and global  leadership issues related to  education, law, ethics, psychology, the arts, and our environment.

St George’s House, the organisation, takes its name from the building of that name in close proximity to and associated with St George’s Chapel within the perimeter of the Castle. It belongs to the College of Canons, founded in 1348 and is where participants are hosted for the duration of consultations on given topics. The organisation brings together international thought leaders from different disciplines and roles in British society with the purpose of investigating means of overcoming some of the major challenges in contemporary society through dialogue.

Counselor Mentz serves on the White House Presidential Scholars Program and is an award winning professor and author of over 40 books and audio books.  Mentz is a historian and analyst of: management and success methodology, mysticism, spirituality,  ethics, and human performance.

Commissioner Mentz holds a Doctor of Jurisprudence (JD), an MBA, and an International Law Credential, along with law and other licenses. Mentz teaches wealth management at top law schools, and  founded the Chartered Wealth Manager  ® program in the USA and Asia in 1998.  Mentz has taught over 250 courses in law, ethics and business in the last 25 years.  Mentz has served on advisory boards in the USA, UK, Switzerland, Asia, Arabia, Africa, and India.

Mentz is the titular Seigneur of the Fief de Blondel in the Channel Islands, Guernsey.  Mentz is CEO of the IOQM and GAFM  ® & the owner of the New York Gazette ® Newspaper which is the oldest newspaper brand in New York Est. 1725.

Certification Quality Standards – The Highest Standards include Exams and Courses from Top Business Schools and Law Schools for Higher Standards in Professional Designations.

Certification Quality Standards – The Highest Standards include Exams and Courses from Top Business Schools and Law Schools for Higher Standards in Professional Designations.

Professional Designations in the United States and internationally have a long history. Legal cases such as the IBANEZ decision of the Supreme Court dictate that bone fide “board certifications” or “professional designations” have special criteria which includes:

1)     Accredited Education, 2) Assessment, 3) Degree 4) Continuing Education and 5) Ethics/Professionalism 6) Experience.

2)     The Peel and Ibanez US Supreme Court Decision spell out the rules for proper use of certifications, designations, and qualifications for lawyers and professionals.

3)     Professional designations are not regulated like certificates and degrees because they are not offering post secondary education and fit into the category of “Professional Development”

According to George Mentz, Esq, in the last 50 years, many top certifying bodies have NOT required an accredited degree or diploma to become a member. Many of the top certifying bodies merely require experience and to take a test or quiz at a testing shop at a mall or street location. However, the expansion of business schools, eLearning, and MOOCs Massive Online/Open Courses have changed assessment, exams and course delivery. “As a policy, we have always required an accredited diploma.” Says Counselor Mentz.

The GAFM Global Academy of Finance and Management has been offering professional designations to those who complete Level II “Double Accredited” business schools since 2003. By legal agreements direct with CHEA recognized Accreditation agencies, the GAFM was the first to directly accept and approve top business school exams, courses and degrees for credit toward meeting the educational component for Certification under the Ibanez Supreme court dictates.

Types of Certifications and Accreditation Standards – Level II is the Highest

Certification requiring Level 2 Accredited education and exams. This is the highest form of educational requirements. This education is generally preferred for state licensure and for certifications from organizations such as the Global Academy of Finance and Management since 2003-4. Level 2 means that both the college or university are accredited AND the business school is also separately nationally-accredited by a government recognized body. The ACBSP Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs, AACSB and ABA are examples of level 2 accreditation while education from an ABA American Bar Association education would also be level 2. SEE: ACBSP AACSB EQUIS and ABA or graduate law school. The Council of Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) recognizes these accreditation agencies.

In this new paradigm of e-Learning, MOOCs, and other non traditional education, we are now demanding higher standards. To earn a certification through Level II education, you must:

1.     Apply and become accepted into a Level II business school.

2.     Take the required courses and exams to achieve certification eligibility.

3.     Successfully complete approved and accepted exams and courses at a Level II business school and institution such as: Yale, Harvard, Stanford, MIT, UVA, LSU, University of California, University of Colorado, Louisiana State University etc.

To learn more, read the ACBSP or CHEA agreement. Go to

The GAFM Global Academy of Finance and Management is a charter signatory of the CHEA Quality Standards USA and is TUV Accredited and ISO 29990 Certified for Certification Assessment/Training.

The GAFMs and the IOQM International Organization for Quality Management are part of the International Board of Standards which is a Charter Signatory of the CHEA quality standards Memo. The GAFM and IOQM are recognized by the ACBSP Accreditation Council for Business Schools and programs and directly accepts AACSB education.

*Most State and Sovereign Governments worldwide prefer Level II Accreditation for the purposes of business school standards, top MBA programs, or becoming a CPA or Chartered Accountant. Further, Government recognized Bar Accredited Education is required for a legal education and licenses. In a Level 2 accreditation, the college or university and the business school are separately accredited, but the accounting program may not be separately accredited. This level applies to a business school that is accredited by an organization recognized by the Council of Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) as a specialized or professional accrediting organization, such as the AACSB or the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP).

Level II: Accreditation is associated with a business school or college or business; the institution must be accredited by a national accreditation agency recognized by the board

• Note: A degree, MBA, MSc, or credential based on a Level 2 education is more widely accepted globally than qualifications or degrees that do not maintain “Level 2” Status. Further, course credits are more easily transferable with reciprocity from Level 2 business schools and institutions that are double accredited. * A key legal note is that a certification/designation is not a “certificate, diploma or academic qualification”.